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Background ...

The Ubomi Obutsha Centre first opened in 1998, under the leadership of American missionaries, Don and Judy Bixler, as an outreach project of  Combined Christian Ministries to the Poor to the vulnerable children and their families of the township of Kwazakhele, Port Elizabeth,      South Africa 


Over the years, the project grew in scope, reach, ability and community participation & the Ubomi Obutsha Centre was establish it as a standalone non-profit organisation in late 2015.


In 2019 a new restructuring 'Vision 2023' process began to improve the capacity of the project to address the needs & development of vulnerable families in the community.


The Ubomi Obutsha Centre is currently run by a 4-member Management Team, 8 Implementation Staff & the additional help of a handful of volunteers when they are available.


50 'High-Risk' families are currently included in a Family Focus support & development programme & around 300 children per month participate in Life Skills & Education Support activities in the afternoons.


"Ubomi Obutsha" means "New Life" in isiXhosa, the local traditional language.

Early Days - UOC front - Around 2004 .
Early Days - Construction - 1998
Early Days - Out In The Community .
Early Days - Sunday School
Early Days - Youth Club
Handing over leadership - 2005
Soup Kitchen
Tunnels going up in 2012 .
Early Days - Waiting for club to start .
UOC Today .
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